Mposter syndrome

Featured photo is from Thrive Global. Read their article on managing Imposter Syndrome here.

Hi, my name is Michelle, and I’m an imposter. At least in my mind, I am! When I started my business Mprint Co in 2021, I had no intention of it ever being more than a “side hustle.” When people would ask about it, I would clam up and laugh it off. I acted like it was a joke because I felt too insecure to say I was managing a legitimate business. I felt like a fraud, and like it was only a matter of time before all of my hard work disappeared forever.

My husband was the first person to call me out on my bull s***. He wouldn’t stand for me belittling myself, and was kind of like my business therapist. Every night, we would run through scenarios like this:

Drew: “What will you say next time someone asks you what your job is?”

Me: “Well, I work in sales for a magazine in Houston, but I am also doing a side hustle…kind of like a part time thing for fun!”

Drew: “Nonono, try again. What’s your job?”

Me: “I work in sales, but I am trying to start my own bus…”

Drew: “WRONG! You have your own business! Try again. What is your job?”

Me: “I’m a digital marketing consultant.”

Drew: “Great! For what company?”

Me: “It’s my own company actually. And I’m really excited about where it’s headed!….”

End Scene.

That was pretty much a nightly routine with us until my confidence grew. The “I’m really excited about where it’s headed” part took many more attempts before I truly felt that way, but for the sake of preventing this from being any longer, we can pretend it happened exactly like that! 😉

What I’m trying to say is you don’t need to be the most confident person in the world to start, grow, and succeed at running your own business. Self-doubt and imposter syndrome are common struggles anyone can face, but it’s important to overcome these feelings and stay committed to your goals. I was able to do so with a supportive husband and actual therapy (not just my husband’s dinner-time therapy😅). You will never feel fully ready or prepared to launch, so consider this blog post as your sign to take a leap of faith with the skills, resources, and materials you have now, and just START!

xx Michelle


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